URI Trustee for Multiregion
Ms. Rozenman is the Founder and Executive Director of “TRUST - Emun”, an Israeli organization building trust and mutual understanding among people of different faiths in the Middle East in the midst of violent conflict. She has been involved in interfaith and inter-cultural work since the recovery of her son from being severely wounded in a Palestinian suicide bombing in Jerusalem in 1997. She co-founded the WIN URI in 2006 as an interactive global network for women's projects to be realized locally and globally. She co-founded the TRUST WIN (Women’s Interfaith Network) and has led Women’s Walks for Peace locally, regionally, and internationally – most recently at the Parliament of the World’s Religions. She co-coordinates the WIN MENA (Women’s Interfaith Network of the Middle East and North Africa) which is involved in training women leaders in the region. She is based in Jerusalem, Israel.