The word "interfaith" describes an interaction between people of different religions or faith traditions. But it is more than that.

Representatives from different religions stand together to watch a man blowing a shofar (a traditional Jewish instrument made of a ram's horn).
The word "interfaith" describes an interaction between people of different religions or faith traditions. But it is more than that. It is about understanding our significant differences, but also recognizing our similarities, and working together for peace, justice and healing in our world.
Interfaith cooperation is not about renouncing religions, or combining all religions into one. In fact, many people find that their friendships with people in other traditions strengthen their understanding and respect for their own tradition.
Interfaith friendships reach out across the stereotypes and misunderstandings that lead to religiously-motivated violence. They reinforce the idea that, regardless of religion or belief tradition, every human deserves respect.
Interfaith interactions live out the core values that are shared by all religions - values like compassion, respect, love, hope and peace, which are necessary for sustaining life in all communities. URI's interfaith groups, called Cooperation Circles, create a space for all religious, faith and spiritual traditions to be celebrated.