Three new Cooperation Circles

19 October 2010

Dear friends,

Just to let you know that a minute ago CC APPROVAL COMMITTEE MEETING came to an end and that, approving the three applicants as Cooperation Circles we reached 500 and now have presence in 78 countries . The new comers are:

  1. Samantha CC, India (West Zone) ASIA
  2. Coordination Des Confessions Relgiouses Congolaises De Lutte Contre Le Vih/Sida (Corec), Congo, AFRICA
  3. Nimalaj Molojri’il Richin Ajq’ijab’Kamol Taq’ B’ey Q’alpul Mayab’ixim Ulew Ruk’amal Ab’ya Yala (Mayan language)(Gran Confederación de Consejos Principales Ajq’ijab’ Originarios De Pueblo Mayab’ De Guatemala Centro América), Guatemala, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN

Thanks to all of you that made this possible and a special recognition to Tareq who participated from his honeymoon!

