On November 9, we celebrate worldwide annual Global Grace Day, the day of global reconciliation. The ninth of November is a historic date: In 1938 it was the so-called “Night of Broken Glass”, the day on which the persecution of Jews in Germany begun and became public. In 1989 the Berlin Wall fell. On Global Grace Day, we have summoned a collective power committed to opening all the walls, the inner and outer ones, which separate human beings from each other. It is a day of gentle revolution. We celebrate the emergence of a new humaneness. May hatred and violence that have been generated by the old systems, vanish from our planet for- ever. May the disintegration of these systems lead to a new way to inhabit our planet.
Energy, water and food are freely available to all human beings, if we follow the logic of nature and not the laws of capital.
We see the pain of the world. We hear the Earth’s cry for help. If all beings who suffer unspeakable pain now could scream the Earth would be a single cry. But we humans are not here to destroy nature and to kill each other. It was a misguided dream of wealth and power that brought about the misery.
This dream has been extinguished, capitalism is breaking down, the imperialist systems are destroying themselves. We want to make the world’s population aware that we are in the historic year of change 2012 and are approaching a new era.
Life rises up against the walls, the youth are standing up and looking for a new future. A global revolution is on the lookout for a new world. Let us build the models for it. The powers of transformation are stronger than all violence. The mountains, the seas and the hearts of human beings are shaking.
From the ruins of the old systems rise the spirit of a new planetary community. It is the great reconciliation with all fellow creatures. We do not tolerate violence. We work for a world in which no child is abandoned, no woman raped and no animal tortured. We believe in life and in the solidarity of all beings. We lift up our spirits to all-powerful love. We bow before the glory of creation. We recognize the mistakes in which we ourselves participated. We reach our hands out to one another with the promise to serve and help each other until this world is healed. We give thanks for the possibility of a new existence. We work for the healing of the waters and the healing of love. We end the war between peoples and the war between the sexes. We give thanks for the knowledge that is available to us to build the new world. Our first peace centers have taken up this work, the first models of a coming world community are evolving. Soon many more will follow. In the struggle between the powers of destruction and the powers of life we have taken a stand for life. A stand for love, truth, mutual support and a stand for grace: reconciliation instead of revenge. For a future without war! If life wins, there will be no more losers.
In the name of love.
In the name of the children around the world.
In the name of care for all creatures.