Is it enough to know ?
Everyone of us likes to be clever, because knowledge and insight are qualities that are praised everywhere. There is a lot we can learn during our schooling years or from thick books, because it broadens our horizons. But what is wisdom? It is a process. A road you take.
A very - personal - road. It is true that at school you are able to spread your wings wide open, but it doesn't make you who you are. You can know a lot and yet make a fool of yourself tomorrow. To know a lot really is not enough.
The wit doesn't look for the crowd.
Life demands that you become who you truly are. However there is a tendency to evade that question. Everyone of us has the choice to settle safely into a structure and to delegate one's responsibility to a system or institute. You can allow yourself to be determined by the idealized picture of someone else, instead of being yourself. However in that case the possibilities are unlimited. Therefore we need people who are not afraid to think in a creative, original, courageous and independent way.
You cannot learn to be wise
An owl that doesn't fly will never discover what it is like to be an owl and will not find food.
If the owlet wants to become an owl, it is necessary that it is true to its deepest call. The answer that the world needs from us has to be completely unique, without compromises and has to be a personal answer to the question : what can be my unique contribution?
Probably you are on your own. Maybe your answer goes against the tide. Your unique contribution is what you feel deep in your heart and your wishes. To grow is then to take risks while being true to your deepest call. It demands a lot from people to give this unique answer, because it is lonely. But because it demands courage and is lonely , it makes you grow. You cannot learn to be wise. Wisdom is something you acquire. Step by step.
Movement without a Name (MWN / BZN) CC and URI Europe wish to contribute to a better world in a substantial manner. We want to set an example and have therefore introduced the URI Europe proverbs. They are meant to inspire and spark conversation. You can subscribe to the URI Europe monthly proverbs for free. Click here to find out more.