alifornia Interfaith Power and Light (CIPL) is a North American ministry devoted to protecting the earth’s ecosystems, safeguarding public health, and ensuring sufficient, sustainable energy for all. Since every major spiritual tradition emphasizes a responsibility to protect the surrounding creations, CIPL gathers together an interfaith ministry united in its goal to “be faithful stewards of Creation by responding to global warming through the promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy.”
“Our mission is to deepen the connection between ecology and faith, emphasizing that alleviating climate change is a moral responsibility,” explains CIPL founder Rev. Sally Bingham. She sees global warming as a crisis with not only severe environmental consequences, but social, moral, economic, and spiritual consequences as well. As a response, CIPL assists congregations of all faiths in living more harmoniously with their planet and deepening the connection between faith and ecology.
Some of CIPL’s current projects include educational outreach to congregations about the theological basis for eco-stewardship, as well as program assistance in outfitting houses of worship with eco-friendly improvements such as solar panel installation, green energy sources, and compact fluorescent light bulbs. CIPL encourages congregations to pursue energy audits and building improvements, and assists them in connecting with local sources. Many congregation members have pursued similar updates in their own homes. As CIPL describes in its mission statement, “Working together, individuals and communities of faith can model to the rest of the world how to be the stewards of our precious Creation.”
Not only is CIPL actively pursuing its goal of helping California’s 50,000 congregations reduce their greenhouse gas emissions; it is also working towards developing similar programs in every state. As its website proudly states, “We have a responsibility to protect the earth for our children and future generations.” CIPL brings its message of education and environmental stewardship to San Francisco, California for the United Religions Initiative’s 12th annual Circles of Light Gala.
The Rev. Sally Bingham will be one of five Cooperation Circle leaders presenting their work on the forefront of local and global environmental efforts, which is being honored with the 2015 URI Circles of Light gala’s environmental theme. Circles of Light will be held March 14, 2015, in San Francisco’s Fairmont hotel. For tickets, please click here.