The divine feminine is a powerful concept, which is experiencing a renaissance of interest in today’s modern society and Western culture. In daily life, many modern women are juggling a career, motherhood, family, relationships and service through their activating power and energy.
The divine feminine is a powerful concept, which is experiencing a renaissance of interest in today’s modern society and Western culture. In daily life, many modern women are juggling a career, motherhood, family, relationships and service through their activating power and energy.
Since the beginning of time, the divine feminine, seen as the goddess in many ancient traditions, has been a very powerful and mystical part of our planet. We refer to our planet as ‘Mother’ Earth which is experiencing destruction of ecosystems and global warming and crisis.
In a variety of ways we are forgetting the sacredness of the Divine Mother Earth through our interventions.
The divine feminine symbolizes balance renewal and restoration. This empowers women to heal their body and soul and contribute towards healing our planet through principles of nurturing, compassion, insight, intuition, creativity, forgiveness, interconnectedness, love and wisdom.
And this means to honor her presence within our bodies and our soul, in the ground we walk on and the air we breathe.
In March 2015, women and men gathered around the world to challenge gender inequalities in all dimensions. Ranging from repressions of patriarchal systems to basic human rights, we experienced various powerful dimensions of reclaiming of the divine feminine. This show of unity served to enhance individual spirituality and transmitted healing through a ripple effect.
Through this divine consciousness and empowerment within, we can transcend to co-create a new and better future for our Mother Earth and the whole of humanity.
Let us continue to celebrate the multi dimensional divinity in each one of us. The synthesis of masculine and feminine energy is complementary and projects the divine totality.
“The One whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force that dominates all existence, one and yet many-sided that to follow her movement is impossible even for the quickest mind and for the freest and most vast intelligence" - Sri Aurobindo