Los Angeles Cooperation Circles to Gather for Peace Sunday

4 August 2015

Your Invitation to Participate in UDC’s 50th   Anniversary 

PEACE SUNDAY will be held on Sun. Sept. 20th at Agape International Spiritual Center, 5700 Buckingham Pkwy., Culver City 90230.  We will celebrate PeaceSunday in all three services through music and the message from Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith.  Unity-and-Diversity World Council's (UDC),  a URI Cooperation Circle, 50th anniversary will be recognized during the 9:00 and 11:30 services.  In addition to the more than 2,000 attendees at the three morning services, the event will be streaming live to many countries around the world.  In the afternoon, UDC will host a special Peace Sunday Festival in Room 2 from 2:30 to 5 p.m.  Included will be an interfaith candle lighting meditation, music, speakers, tables, and displays from our schools project.

The Culver City Interfaith Alliance, a URI Cooperation Circle, will also participate in Peace Sunday.

UNITED PEOPLES CONVERGENCE.  On the previous day, Sat. Sept. 19, UDC will sponsor a United Peoples Convergence at the IMAN Cultural Center, 3376 Motor Ave., Los Angeles 90034.   A variety of individuals, groups, and councils will participate 9 a.m. to 12 noon, represented by roughly twelve networks in many fields.  From 1 to 3 p.m. these networks will converge into four quadrants.  From 3:15 to 5:30 p.m. the quadrants will converge into a General Assembly, designed to help this diverse combination of peoples listen to each other and begin work on various concerns.

You are cordially invited to participate in one or both of these events.  Below are the costs for a table.  Be sure to register early, as pricing increases Sept. 1st.  Table preferences will be given on a first come/first served basis,


Organizational Sponsors: $50; Sponsor tables available for an additional $15.  Sponsor plus table will increase to $75 after August 31st.  Includes printed program listing and acknowledgement during event.

Organizational Co-sponsors:  $25; Co-sponsor tables available for an additional $30.  Co-sponsor plus table will cost $65 after August 31st.  Includes printer program listing and acknowledgement during event.

Group tables:  $50; price will increase to $75 after August 31st.

Individuals:  Afternoon Peace Sunday Festival (2:30-5 p.m.) $10 suggested donation.


Organizations:  $50 for Sat. only; $25 if also registered for Peace Sunday.  Bring literature.

Individuals:  $10 till August 31st.   $15 afterward and at door.

For more information or to sponsor a table, email Leland Stewart at [email protected].