by Jayanti
Many students from different high schools and colleges attended his talk and were benefited immensely. As the talk was followed by interactions, the students also clarified their doubts related to global climate change, and Sirajuddin responded to all their queries through slides and discussions.
Further, he said that, since the Industrial Revolution began around 1750, anthropocentric activities have contributed significantly to climate change by adding CO2 (carbon dioxide) and other heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere. These gas emissions have increased the greenhouse effect and caused Earth's surface temperature to rise.
In his talk, Sirajuddin M. Horaginamani said that climate change not only affects our global seasonal patterns but also affects social development factors such as poverty, infrastructure, technology, security and economics of the world. He expressed that no doubt, climate change affects everything that we see around us, the interrelation between climate change and social vulnerability and inequality is particularly evident in impoverished communities. Especially, impoverished communities experience reductions in safe drinking water as well as food security as a result of climate change.
Sirajuddin M. Horaginamani, an active environmentalist and member of PEACE CC (Multiregion), was invited as a special guest and resource person for a seminar on Global Climate Change at District Science centre, Gulbarga Karnataka on August 20th, 2015. Accordingly he delivered a special talk on “Contributing Factors to Global Climate Change”.