Prolife Interfaith Kenya CC Gets a Patron

8 September 2015

FROM LEFT: Joan Mmbone,the Secretary; Collins Adagi, the Deputy Director; Evans Ishuga, the Director; Rev. Kegode, the Patron; and Rev. Atigala, a member

Our CC today held a special meeting to install their newly installed patron, Mr. Rev. Henry Kegode. He is a pastor. The patron will also be an Adviser to the CC's executive.

The new development comes just a fortnight before the International Day of Peace on 21st September 2015. The Reverend pastor was chosen through a request sent to him after prior basic consultations. He will be a father and an advisory counsel to the Executive of Prolife Interfaith Kenya CC.

During the installation of the patron, the Deputy Director Mr. Collins Adagi assured members of good leadership from Mr Kegode.

"He is a man I know, seasoned in preaching and providing proper guidance and counselling," he said. On his part, Mr Kegode thanked God and promised to provide the best in preaching peace.

"Let us depend on God. I thank him so much for this humble duty he has through you people given me to do, to serve you and to serve Him as well. I was called to serve," he said.

Mr. Kegode is a member of our local community and a pastor in one of the Pentecostal Churches in the community. He is a composed man of good character.

The CC Director, Mr. Evans Ishuga, thanked all members in attendace in blessing the new development. (See the photo above.)

Prolife Interfaith Kenya CC has three faiths comprising of the Protestants, the Catholics and the Muslims. Each faith is well represented. Its membership totals 220, a drop from 327. It is led by its Director Mr. Evans Ishuga. The CC was founded in 2008, just after a Poll Violence that rocked the whole nation.