There’s No Stopping LOVE

20 September 2015
think peace international event flyer

I don't often take credit for anything because I know that I do nothing in and of myself alone. I know that a village surrounds me and that while that village might suffer from lack of sustainability sometimes, the truth is that WE fair better than most (because we're still here). For those who don't struggle with finances or find themselves scrapped for cash, I say this: to whom much is given, much is required. And I take that philosophy serious because I've been given gifts that I know are to be shared with the world and so, I have to keep moving forward INSPITE or DESPITE (despite being the chosen preposition) of the hurdles before me. Why? Because I've been given much more in the grand scheme of things than money can buy. AND ... in truth ... I can't be bought. 
And, so having done with so little, I've still managed to be on a team of individuals who helped bring 100 youth to India from several countries to talk about interfaith --- and that they have grown and those relationships are stronger than even. I've been part of a network of teachers s in Salinas, California, and helped young people, 9th and 10th grades, find their voice in both podcast and film, and also prepare them to speak before city council and today ... they take the air waves by storm. I've helped young artists find their calling, including one who helped to create an international photo competition called 1000KALEMA, and I've helped young activists find their direction. YEP, I helped to do that. And before you think I'm patting myself on the back as if I DID IT ALL BY MYSELF ... know this: What I've done best is cultivate the love and support of those who LOVE and SUPPORT, too, and WE rise and are rising to the challenge ... including this one to building "PARTNERSHIPS FOR PEACE: DIGNITY FOR ALL." 

THIS IS THE MAIN EVENT. This is a culmination of efforts over the last twenty years from storytelling to teaching, from teaching to guidance, and from guidance to the ultimate legacy of service to humankind. And, through the struggles, sometimes tripping over the hurdles, I get up and I move on. I keep getting up and know that I will for a while. 
So, let's stop with the "I" and finish with the WE. On Monday, September 21st ... WE begin something that culminates all of our efforts for the past two decades. And, it is a joy to behold because we're standing together to finish the work of the gathering. After more than 6 months of work and planning, THE EVENT, celebrating the International Day of Peace is happening. And nothing and no one will stop it. These events are NEVER what I think they will be because despite a great imagination, something better ALWAYS happens and because I am not alone, SOMETHING BETTER ALWAYS HAPPENS. 

So, join us this during this week-long series of conversations. The schedule is available at where you can sign up for every day or singular days depending on your schedule. Know, however, that whatever days you attend will be the days you are supposed to be there. And know that how it shapes up at the end of the week (September 26th) is only the BEGINNING of something wonderful. Together we stand. There is no division because those who are working to build a better world will have the last LOVE because of the greatest of all of the things we desire, LOVE outshines them all. 

~ P. K. McCary, Founder