Dear URI Family,
I am glad to give a summary report of our just-ended 2nd Africa Peace Conference, which was successfully held in Accra-Ghana from October 29-30, 2015. The conference was organized by the African Centre for Peace Building in collaboration with Universal Peace Federation and supported by URI Africa.
We had 60 participants from Ghana, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Benin and Brazil.
The conference presented very interactive sections and academic paper presentations on various topics. We are working hard to compile the papers and speeches in a journal, which I will share with you all together with a detailed Post Conference Report.
See photos from Day 1: 2nd Africa Peace Conference, Oct 29, 2015
See photos from Day 2: 2nd Africa Peace Conference, Oct. 30, 2015
See photos from the 2nd Africa Peace Awards, Oct. 30, 2015
2nd Africa Peace Prize: This a non-monetary award we (AFCOPB) instituted 3 years ago to honor and celebrate personalities and organizations who are contributing and/or have contributed so well to the development of peace in Africa. This year, we had 10 personalities receiving the award and one organization.
The award ceremony was held in Accra-Ghana on October 30, 2015 6pm-10pm at Tulip Inn Hotel Accra. The ceremony drew over 200 participants from traditional authorities, religions bodies, academic bodies, media, and civil society among others.

URI West Africa Regional Coordinator Dr. Emmanuel Ande Ivorgba is among the recipients who were awarded with the "Youth Service" category of the Africa Peace Prize.
Other award winners include:
Anas Aremeyaw Anas, Natalia da Luz, Nana Yaw Osei-Darkwa, Dr. Donald Senanu Agumenu, Rev. Prof. Edwin Korley, Manfred Tawiah, Morgan Newlove Adzatia, Alex Akhigbe, Tiger Eye PI and Jane Ekayu.
The details of the profile of the award winners will be published on our website within the week.
Thanks for your time and I will share the detailed reports with you soon.
Under your servant in peace,
I remain
Korsi Senyo
Executive Director,
African Centre for Peace Building- a URI CC in Ghana