United Religions Initiative has a longstanding relationship with the United Nations and this year we are proud to sponsor URI North America members to travel to the United Nations Headquarters in New York City to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week! To apply to participate, fill out the form below or at this link: http://bit.ly/1NUdGYZ
- The trip to New York will include an experience at the United Nations with URI UN Representative Monica Willard. It is likely that this will include a public opportunity for participants to share about the work of their Cooperation Circle.
- URI North America will provide a trip for three members of three different North America Cooperation Circles or Affiliates to the United Nations in New York, NY.
- We plan to fully fund the trip for participants. The details, will be announced privately to trip participants.
- The duration and exact dates of the trip have not yet been determined; however, the general time frame is February 1 - 13.
- Participants will be selected by members of the URI North America Leadership Council - Priority consideration will be given to youth.
- The applicant must be a member of a URI North America Cooperation Circle or Affiliates.
- The applicant must have celebrated International Day of Peace 2015.
- The applicant or someone from their Cooperation Circle/Affiliate must submit a report of this celebration at: http://uri.formstack.com/forms/idp2015
- This application form must be submitted by December 18 at 9 am (PST). Applicants will be notified of the results by January 4.
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.