On the "Faith in Sustainability" interreligious gathering that Stichting Interreligieus Beraad Segbroek hosted during 2017's Interfaith Harmony Week:
By Serferaaz Elahi
The gathering itself was a great and successful meeting. Speakers were mostly from the same area, representing a local mosque, temple or church. This time we have shared information about our scripture on a common subject,"What does the scripture say about environment?" which, in my experience, is something that is done rarely in our country/ region/ city/ neighborhood.
Bart en Broek, IBS CC President, delivering the introduction.
For me it was very insightful to hear a similar attitude from the different scriptures about one supreme being having rule over all, and who has made some rules how humans are supposed to act.
Many of the other participants also said they had a wonderful evening, hearing and taking in the information from several different religions, in a respectful manner.
I guess the speaker from the Hare Krishna said it best: that the Hare Krishna, and from that perspective all the religions, work on the inner part of humans on, in this case, environmental sustainability. They do this by trying to change one's demeanor, developing a consciousness to increase the visible result, by acting respectful and responsible with the environment.
We ended our gathering with a great meal, provided by the Hare Krishna. We had very low expenses, because of the local produce and making use of each other’s space.
I guess the speaker from the Hare Krishna said it best: that the Hare Krishna, and from that perspective all the religions, work on the inner part of humans on, in this case, environmental sustainability. They do this by trying to change one's demeanor, developing a consciousness to increase the visible result, by acting respectful and responsible with the environment.
We ended our gathering with a great meal, provided by the Hare Krishna. We had very low expenses, because of the local produce and making use of each other’s space.
The full panel, with speakers representing (right to left) Hare Krishna, Islam, a local NGO, and Christianity.
In our gathering, we also invited a local NGO who specifically engages in environmental issues with local initiatives, but without a religious background. So this was also an interesting combination. Several interesting practical cooperation opportunities could have been started right there, but I don't know if that happened. I think that was a missed chance we all had created together, but failed to see the opportunity. But I find solace in that Allah must have willed it this way, and is preparing something better for us.
Resources from the presentations:
- Click here to download the slide presentation from Charlotte Bos DDH (in .ppx form) "Geloof in Duurzaamheid - Belief in Sustainability."
- Click here to download the slide presentation from Charlotte Bos DDH (in .ppx form) "Duurzaamheid en de Vedas - Sustainability and the Vedas."
- Click here to download (in .doc form) the full text of "Duurzaamheid Vanuit Bijbels Perspectief" (Sustainability from a Biblical Perspective).
- Click here to read "The Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet" (.pdf)