Traditional authority Malili standing with ward councilor on right and his assistant on left.
Interfaith Community Event Held on 18 March 2017 at Chinsapo Secondary School
“Nevertheless I have this against you that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen” ….. Revelation 2 vs 4-5

Even though God doesn’t permit human beings to commit sin against Him or any living things, He set aside a window of reconciliation, especially when we remember where we fall. Lilongwe Central, in Chinsapo community where we are located, has been a place where interfaith violence commonly happens - following poor information and other factors.
In 2015, the conflict loop became tighter when people witnessed two solid days of strong fighting which led to several injuries. This occurred between Muslims and traditional groups. It took a long conversation involving several groups to clear the atmosphere and restore the solidarity and peace as it was before.
As a community, we have been conducting several meetings. Just a few days after the harmony celebration we had on 12 February, I am happy to share with you the beautiful interfaith event we had on 18 March 2017 at Chinsapo Hall.
The event was organized with three purposes:
1- To thank God for the good rain season we had this year.
Since 2010, Malawi has been going through a tough time of drought and floods, which affect millions of people. It is in the eyes of people this year that we might harvest enough following the green which we have; this is a salvation for our country.
2- To source things to help friends affected by floods.
Although this year rain seasons have been fruitful as to see good green, but it has affected our friends in Ntandile Township. These people have been affected by strong floods and have lost everything in their houses. We source clothes, kitchen kits and financial support for them.
3- To pray for albino friends.
You might have heard or read other stories about the attacks which happened in Malawi. I just want to emphasize that, since 2012, 19 albinism people have lost their lives. Most of them have been killed and had their private parts, hands and eyes removed, which some people believe are marketable.
It is because of this factor, which makes albino people live under heavy threat, that the most painful attack happened in Kasungu. A tug-of-war happened between a mother, who held the legs of her son in the house, and men who held his head outside the window. May the 19 souls of our friends rest in peace and we pray for their security.

Until all we agree, the words of Prophet Muhammad, who said in Hadith Qudsi that Allah Ta’ala said, “O my servants, I have forbidden Zulm (injustice, wrongdoing and unfairness) to myself and I have made it haraam among you, so do not wrong one another.”
And allow me please to echo the words of Pope Francis, who said, “Living together is an art, a patient, beautiful and fascinating journey. [It is] summarized in three words: please, thanks and sorry.”
With regard,
Geoffrey Manasseh,
Lilongwe CC