On 19 and 20 February, the Moroccan network of intercultural dialogue organized a training session, and also a one-day meeting of discussion and coordination of works with a group of Moroccan NGOs who work in Morocco and at the international level.
We invited Mr Andry Azolay - Advisor of HM the King of Morocco and President Anna Lindh Foundation, and Mr. General Secretary foreign affair minister Mr Youssef Amrani, and Mr dergourgi official representative in case foreign minister, and MR Mehdaoui in charge of euromidétéranin cooperation, Minister in case foreign, and MR Driss Khrouz Library national Director of Morocco. There have already been follow-up meetings of coordination and ccoperation with foreign minister.
The objective of the meeting was monitoring cooperation and coordination between the foreign affair minister and some civil society NGOs working in international liaison and support with others. During the meeting, presentation were made to launch two actions of two young ambassadors worldwide: EL Hammoumi Naoufal youth ambassadors within international NGOs URI, for international NGO and Mr. EL zakaria elmmell youth ambassador for peace, for international youth for peace.
Naoufal EL Hammoumi participated by making a presentation about URI MENA and linking the Embassy of Morocco and Jordan URI team Uri; in doing actions with a Moroccan artist member in URI Salam Shabab CC, and preparing action by Uri CC salam in Morocco Naoufal EL Hammoumi presented their work at international level and national level and networked support of the Moroccan embassy and consulates outside of Morocco, to support their successful mission, and in coordination with the Moroccan state. And also organized meetings; encouraging efforts by activists within Moroccan civil society outside of Morocco, for professional actions. EL Hammoumi naoufal Youth Civil sociéty diplomacy team URI Youth ambassador www.hearak.net