International Yoga Day in Caracas

16 July 2018
International Yoga Day Caracas

By Adriana Reyes

The International Day of Yoga was celebrated on June 21st. Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice of ancient tradition, which originated in India. The word yoga comes from Sanskrit and means unity because it symbolizes the union of body and mind. Currently, various forms of yoga are practiced, and their success and their number of followers is increasing all over the world.

On December 11, 2014, the United Nations proclaimed June 21 as the International Day of Yoga, with Resolution 69/131, in recognition of the universal popularity of this discipline. Yoga is a healthy practice that can contribute in a holistic way to achieving a balance between the mind and the body. This is projected to help humanity in its quest to achieve sustainable development and move towards lifestyles that are in harmony with nature.

The celebration of this day serves to raise awareness among the population about the benefits of practicing yoga.

In Caracas, three multi-level yoga classes were held, each lasting one hour. Sun greetings, standing postures, torsions, and breath control were performed. At the end, a breakfast was shared as a token of appreciation.

Click the yellow arrows to scroll through the photos in the slideshow below.

International Yoga Day Caracas
International Yoga Day Caracas
International Yoga Day Caracas
International Yoga Day Caracas
International Yoga Day Caracas