Every Voice – Perri (PK) McCrary

5 September 2018
Every Voice – Perri (PK) McCrary

Friendship that Spans Decades

What is it that makes URI special? The resounding response most likely would be, it’s the friendships! Perri (PK) McCrary highlighted the meaning of friendship in her life in a way that speaks to so many of us.

"In troubling times, I am so grateful for friendship that spans decades. I am blessed knowing people from every walk of life from around the globe, from every faith and spiritual practice, from different political persuasions. It is a long list…with lots of friends, who EMBRACE love. I am loved. It is a heady feeling. A real high. I am loving them all and in return, it is what makes life worth living. Thanks to the memories."

PK is a founding member of URI, convener of the Think Peace and Communications Cooperation Circle, a former Global Council trustee, secretary of the Global Council and former member of the Multiregional Leadership team. PK’s capacity to embrace the impossible; to see value in everyone - especially youth, uplift and communicate stories of everyone, to reach out in love to everyone - no exceptions - are remarkable practices that empower URI to be what it yearns to be.

From PK:

This is a time when the IMPOSSIBLE becomes POSSIBLE, the POSSIBLE becomes PROBABLE and the PROBABLE becomes inevitable. There's nothing impossible in our tasks. Impossible is only something that hasn't been done. PEACE.

Think Peace Media and Communication Cooperation Circle – our purpose is to fulfill our dream of a grassroots media campaign to give voice to the voiceless and attention to the healing of the world. We are young, old, black, brown, white and all the hues in-between. We come from all over the world, and we are different faiths, races, cultures, and genders. We are parts of groups and organizations dedicated to peacebuilding, but we are also individuals who walk the talk, with focuses from working in areas of conflict, to answering the call of the needy, to battling HIV-AIDS or poverty. We say, "We Can" and then, "We Do!" We are Peace Collaborators, making a difference because we understand that we are not alone in our efforts.

Peacemakers of the World - Who are they? Where are they? What do they do? Well, they are average people with a heightened sense of resolve for peace. They do the simple and they do the profound. They work in their communities and they assist other communities around the world. They are the visionaries of peace movements and the workers in those movements. They are writers, clergy, mothers and fathers. They are young. They are old.  Their stories harness the energy of the young and combine it with the wisdom of the elders.

Read more posts in the Every Voice series, which presents thought-provoking quotes showing how people all over the world give voice to URI.