Two URI Cooperation Circles (member groups) will be featured on PBS in a two-day series on Women, War and Peace.
"Now's your chance to find out what happens when women take the helm of the most strategic nonviolent movement in Palestinian history." - Julia Bacha, Creative Director of Just Vision and Director of Naila and the Uprising
Women Transcending Boundaries, a URI member group based in Syracuse, New York, USA, will be featured in one segment. The clips can be viewed online here.
Just Vision, another New York-based Cooperation Circle that works on peace in Israel and Palestine, has produced a film called Naila and the Uprising. The trailer can be viewed online here.
Betsy Wiggins and Danya Wellmon, the co-founders of Women Transcending Boundaries (WTB), explain the grass root nature of the organization, and the importance of creating a safe place for women of different traditions to share their stores.