COVID-19 has taken many lives. Caused much hardship. Local communities in Coventry have had to adapt. Faith communities collectively pledge to work for one Coventry. Our Coventry.
Please watch this amazing film from Together in Action Cooperation Circle, a URI member group in Coventry in the United Kingdom.
Many stakeholders have come together to create this film, including: The City of Coventry, local faith communities, the local university, the police, community workers, and more.
It is fresh and emotional, it refers to current happenings around the COVID-19 pandemic, and it offers a lovely series of interfaith holiday greetings which are testimonials of interfaith friendship. At the same time, it is a beautiful educational resource about the celebrations and activities of different faiths – and all of that in 13 minutes.
Deepak Naik, who is a URI Europe Board Member, a founding member of URI, and a former URI Global Council Trustee, has been leading this initiative.
Together in Action CC has been working on a larger initiative to create a sacred interfaith space in the Coventry City centre.