Moreno Overá, member of the CC Circolo Latinoamericano de Musicos, participated in the Amazonizate Festival.
Moreno Overá is a musician born in Campinas-SP, a guitar player, performer and composer. He is a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananada and an aticoordenação member. In this festival, since 2008, he has been living in São Luiz do Paraitinga.
He has been acting professionally since 1985. In the 90s he formed the band "A Nave" and recorded the CD "III Milênio", with songs of his authorship and partnership with Henrique dos Anjos, with themes related to peace and ecology in 1998.
Moreno has played in the main Brazilian states, as well as in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Colombia. He participated in several groups, strolling through different styles, always being a versatile interpreter and composer. Currently, he is dedicated to the viola caipira and the spread of folklore. He promotes Brazilian culture in an innovative and relaxed way, always spreading human values and the culture of peace.
In 1999, he played at the conference of the Buddhist leader, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, at UNB in Brasilia. From 2010 to 2015, he joined the Tarancón group, an important Brazilian group that disseminates Latin American music. He participated in the executive and artistic production of the documentary DVD “Mestre Afonso Pinto, Vida e Obra” ProAc 2010 and recorded the CD Brasil Viola, also ProAc-2011. He participated in the recording of the Senhor Brasil Program, by Mestre Rolando Boldrin, TV Cultura, in 2014.
Together with URI - United Religions Initiative, he conceived the “Uma Canção pela Paz” festival, which took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2016 and in Brasil, in the beautiful and historic city of São Luiz do Paraitinga in 2017, the last under his coordination. That same year, he founded the Latin American Cooperation Circle of Musicians with other singers. He performed as a guitar player and storyteller for the Elpídio dos Santos Tribute project in 2018. He recorded and participated in the launch of the CD Viola Paulista - SESC Selo, in 2018, under the curatorship and musical production of Professor Ivan Vilela, which brought together 18 important guitarists in the state of São Paulo.