Reach Out to URI Cooperation Circles – Let Them Know You Appreciate Them

14 September 2020
Reach Out to URI Cooperation Circles

Reach out to and appreciate other Cooperation Circles (URI member groups). Send notes of appreciation to Cooperation Circles you admire.

URI was founded in the spirit of appreciation. Appreciating means recognizing and valuing the unique gifts and contributions in the person, group, or action you are appreciating.

Search for Cooperation Circles. (You can also reach this page by clicking Who We Are in the top menu at At the top of the Cooperation Circle page, you will find a search filter. Go to Countries. Or, go to Action Area. Press Apply to get the list of Cooperation Circles in that country or in that Action Area. You can scroll through the list of Cooperation Circles to explore all the groups in each category. 

When you click the name of the Cooperation Circle, you enter their page and can read a brief description about them.

You can send a direct message to this Cooperation Circle by entering your message where it says Message. Mark that you are not a robot. Press the Send Message yellow box when you are ready.

For more ideas visit: Ideas to Celebrate URI at

For assistance in implementing your idea, contact Sally Mahé at [email protected]. For Zoom meeting assistance, contact Matthew Youde at [email protected].