A Women's Day Message from Kiran Bali, MBE JP

9 March 2021

Watch an inspiring message from Kiran Bali, MBE JP, URI Chair, for International Women's Day 2021.

Gender equality will always have such an important bearing 

On how much our values in society will thrive

Creating good practices of knowledge and sharing

URI Cooperation Circles keep the momentum alive


Continuing to empower women and girls as we connect

Actions speak so much louder than words,

With deeply impactful initiatives taking effect

Advancing key milestones, ensuring important inroads


Partnering together to create a world free from discrimination

Where everyone has access to the same choices

Which, in turn, will create stronger community relations

Challenging stereotypes and amplifying those who do not have a voice


To advance the role of women and girls as equal assets

In a world full of continued prejudice and hostility

Where discrimination is still rampant with so many facets

We restore dignity by eradicating inequality


Let us rethink our common actions and perceptions 

As we gather to mark International Women’s Day

Women and men united in spirit and in reflection

Our quest for gender equality is definitely here to stay