Offering to the Urao Lagoon

25 June 2021
Photo: Boy near to the lagoon

On June 21, the members of CC Quinaroes (a URI member group in Venezuela) celebrated in La Laguna de Urao, a sacred Indigenous site. They celebrated the arrival of the summer solstice for the northern hemisphere.

Because of its location, Venezuela is a tropical country. There, the longest days with short nights are appreciated. This was taught by the Grandparents, or Taitas. They taught that people had to be grateful for these natural changes and take the offerings to La Laguna.

The solstice is was also a reason to take the children of the community to observe how adults pay tribute to Mother Earth and all her elements. Through their example, a spark is lit in the children's hearts, and they can assimilate all the actions so they can continue with the tradition.

This ritual begins with time, because the food to offer to the Lagoon and to all the participants takes time to be prepared. So early on the 21st, the gratitude celebration takes place.