Ideas for Celebrating World Interfaith Harmony Week

16 January 2025
Jam and All celebrates World Interfaith Harmony Week 2020 with Interfaith Café and The Abrahamic Reunion CC in Florida, USA.

Jam and All celebrates World Interfaith Harmony Week 2020 with Interfaith Café and The Abrahamic Reunion CC in Florida, USA.

The URI global network celebrates World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW) annually in diverse celebrations around the planet. The United Nations has designated February 1-7 of every year as a time to celebrate interfaith peace and cooperation worldwide. This year, you can be a part of it! Remember, virtual celebrations are a wonderful way to gather in times of pandemic.

Submit your event here to be added to URI's 2023 event listing.

Ideas and Inspirations for World Interfaith Harmony Week

URI Senior Advisor Sally Mahé shares ideas and inspirations for World Interfaith Harmony Week from the URI global community - Click here

How do you celebrate?

There are many ways to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week, from city-wide marches with thousands of participants to intimate gatherings of a few close friends. As long as your activity upholds the ideals of peace, it is a fitting celebration. If you're looking for inspiration as February approaches, look no further than this listing of URI WIHW events by year. You will see many different ways that URI members have celebrated interfaith peace in communities around the world.

Below are a few examples from CCs around the world:

Charter for Compassion Yemen celebrates WIHW2019

Charter for Compassion Yemen celebrates WIHW 2019.

Charter for Compassion Yemen

Charter for Compassion Yemen, a URI member group in Sanaa, celebrated the occasion by running a campaign to support Yemeni children who were suffering from the war. "We targeted most families who are missing basic life needs such as food, medicine and clothing. We selected 18 of those families and provided them with food baskets that are sufficient for a month," members reported. Many URI groups celebrate Harmony Week by organizing charitable acts or donations.



Cape Town Interfaith Initiative

This URI member group, based in Cape Town, South Africa, won the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019 first-place prize for their activity. "We decided that from now on, every year we will identify a troubled location and take our prayers there," members reported. "The prayers were aimed at touching and uplifting the people who were most in need, as well as raising awareness of the responsibility to be good neighbors to each other - wherever we may live." People came from many faiths, including Buddhist, Baha'i, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Hare Krishna, Brahma Kumaris and Unitarian participants, and brought poems, prayers, songs, and other contributions to a sense of unity and encouragement.


Slideshow: Círculo de Cooperação URI Goiás (PDF)

Slideshow: Círculo de Cooperação URI Goiás (PDF)

Círculo de Cooperação URI Goiás

URI Goiás, a member group in Brazil, organized the IV URI Goiás Walk Against Religious Intolerance. "Walking together we understand each other," members explained. "It was a beautiful and harmonious walk where the goal was to bring together people from the most diverse faiths; spiritual, religious and non-religious traditions for friendly conversation and sharing of spiritual practices. In addition to the guests, several people who passed by the park joined the act."


Tell Us About Your Celebration!

Once you've planned your Harmony Week activity, don't forget to let us know so you can be added to URI's 2023 event listing.

Submit your event here!