Three Interfaith Organizations call for an Immediate end to Military Activity Around Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, and an inspection of the facility by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Charter for Compassion, Parliament of the World’s Religions, and United Religions Initiative, three of the largest international interfaith organizations in the world fully endorse the August 8th and August 11th statements of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres. He warns that any attack on a nuclear plant is "a suicidal thing", and calls for access for inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA, as well as a demilitarized zone around the plant.
ZNPP, the largest nuclear plant in Europe, was occupied by Russia in March. The facility continues to be operated by Ukrainian technicians, working under the guns of 500 Russian soldiers. Recently, the Russians moved artillery and other heavy equipment into the plant, and are using it as a base to shell the surrounding areas. There have been several explosions on the site in the past few days; Russia and Ukraine both deny responsibility. Parts of the plant have been knocked out, according to Mario Grassi, Director General of the IAEA, and the situation is very grave.
We the Charter for Compassion, Parliament of the World’s Religions, and United Religions Initiative believe in the power of prayer, and contribute the following:
“Our Prayer:
O Source of all light and life, open the eyes of the military commanders in Zaporizhzhia so that they may see beyond the immediate conflict and recognize the regional and global damage that a failed nuclear plant would bring.
Turn their hearts and strategies.
You outlive all warriors and war.
You intend peace for all people.
You endure.
Help all people on Earth to discover what You created in the beginning, a world without nuclear weapons.
In hope for the holiness of life, we pray.