As schools across the world return or prepare to return for the new term, we thought we would share some powerful testimonials from schoolchildren at Sabel School in Munich, Germany who completed our first year of UNITY modules.
Jacob, student (fifth grade):
I really liked UNITY because it was a class where you didn’t get grades and where there was no pressure. We were able to talk about topics we were currently interested in. I also thought it was great that we collected donations for the Ucrania [Ukraine] because it made me realize that not everyone in this world can live as well or peacefully as we do here in Germany. I think the UNITY teacher team is doing a good job taking care of all classes. I find it very good that our school chose to teach this subject. Other schools don’t offer classes like this.
Gustav, student (fifth grade):
I liked UNITY because you could work in groups. I also enjoyed not working with books and exercise books like in the other classes. Instead, we also did games. When you were sick you didn’t have to make up for the work you missed. Since I don’t take religion as a class I didn’t know much about different religions. I learned that you shouldn’t judge people from their looks. What I liked about the Day against Racism was that the students got to make decisions and contribute to the event.
Hailey, student (fifth grade):
Well, I thought UNITY was great because we did all kinds of different things. We learned a lot about racism. We also learned what you can do when someone gets bullied. I also liked that we talked about how to deal with bullying. For the Day of Racism we were able to do our own projects. It was great that our families were invited.
Sophie, student (fifth grade):
I thought UNITY was great because we could speak openly and discuss topics and exchange our thoughts with each other.
Lola, student (fifth grade):
I thought UNITY was great. We talked about topics that we don’t deal with in our normal school life. Especially things that happen in this world right now and what that means for the lives of people that live somewhere else.
Sophie, student (fifth grade):
I thought UNITY was a great subject. You could talk about things that were troubling you and work together in groups for example, organizing the Day against Racism. I learned very much through UNITY i.e. how to live with other people.
Tarik, student (fifth grade):
I thought UNITY was great. At first I didn’t know what it was and now I know for example what I can do when someone gets hurt. I think helping others and standing up for each other is important. Moreover, I was able to learn more about my friends and get to know their way of thinking. We also had events. That was fun. To help victims of the war in the Ucrania [Ukraine] was very good and that we collected more than 1000€ for München ist bunt. I think it was a great idea to create the subject UNITY because I learned so much. That was a good project.
Magdalena (fifth grade):
I thought UNITY was great because you were able to talk better about your feelings and about what you have already experienced and especially about how to help other people better.
Tobias (fifth grade):
I think it’s great that the school has this subject and that we had visitors from the UK.
About the UNITY programme.
UNITY stands for Understand Navigate Inclusive Teamwork and You
UNITY is our flagship, exciting and inspiring life skills programme for young people. UNITY will build self-confidence and provide an encounter-based learning environment which will create citizens who are open-minded, skilled and resilient to face some of society's challenges. It is a scheme which will equip young people for life.
UNITY is a society-rooted scheme which will promote positive values of integration, make the participants economic assets by acquiring strong skills for employment or volunteering and enable them to appreciate equality and diversity in their communities.
Click here to read more about the UNITY Programme