These lyrics from an old time romantic favorite express the joy experienced in the interfaith movement. Starting as the movement did: acknowledging people from different religions with curiosity and respect, being fascinated by different practices and customs, meeting, speaking, listening, and learning together, the interfaith movement grew.
People from different traditions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions were inspired to move our talk and relationship building into action. We began to use our new found solidarity and cooperative spirit to meet particular needs in our communities. We became empowered when we saw the impact of interfaith actions, whether it was starting a vocational training program for Muslim and Christian women in Pakistan or taking on a huge project like cleaning up the River Ganga in India.

After more than 20 years immersed in emerging interfaith communities both at local and global levels, I see there is something more to acknowledge. I feel empowered when I realize the underlying energy of this movement is joy. When we meet and work with each other, we can feel vitality, appreciation, joy in ourselves and in one another. I believe as we help co-create the next chapter of humanity, it is noticing, appreciating and using this renewable energy of joy that will be our power and will give daily enduring strength to the movement. Feelings of weariness and overwhelm may come; but let us sing in our hearts a resilient song of joy and love that goes around the world....
If you want to hear this song sung brilliantly, look up Jonas Kauffman's CD, "You Mean the World to Me."