The final iNtsika yeThemba session was a huge success, timed perfectly for everyone to engage fully. It offered a chance for our heroes to reflect on their joyful experiences and lessons learned throughout the year.
During this session, participants were guided to increase their self-awareness by recognising their emotions, thoughts, and how certain behaviours impacted their feelings.

Furthermore, integrating mindfulness enriched the experience by deepening their understanding of how their actions influence others' emotions. This led the boys to adopt a more considerate approach to their behaviour.
A key component was gratitude, which encouraged the boys to use only their reflections to pinpoint and recognise moments of thanks during the year.
A standout activity had the boys write letters to their future selves, encouraging goal-setting and planning strategies to achieve these goals, serving as a constant reminder of their aspirations.

Sharing highlights from 2023 strengthened the sense of community and connectedness among the group. During a football match integrated with a goal-setting exercise, the boys were motivated to pursue both individual and collective objectives, recognise supportive figures in their lives, and utilise their strengths to reach their goals.
This remarkable session served as a comprehensive conclusion to the year, offering our heroes profound reflection activities that highlighted the significance of their 2023 journey.
The iNtsika yeThemba Project in South Africa is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and Edmund Rice Foundation Australia. Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australian High Commission in South Africa
Thanks to the support of Misean Cara and Edmund Rice Development.