Fostering a brighter and more sustainable environment for living and development.

ASEHD is committed to making a meaningful and lasting impact on climate change, health, and education for the youth and women in Malawi.
Action Areas
Number of Members
Blantyre, Malawi
Joined URI Network
ASEHD was established in 2017 in Blantyre City. It was started as a club of people with similar beliefs from neighbors. Members drafted a gathering constitution and policies. Then members agreed to have membership from people of all walks regardless of the faith, education and economic backgrounds.
ASEHD provides skill trainings to its members. They train them in carpentry and joinery, furniture, peanut making, tailoring and also, they have done tree cultivation as well as plantations.
They contribute to interfaith by interruption disputes among Muslims and Christian families when they quarrel over their faiths.