Unify knowledges for the good of humanity

Our purpose is to dignify and reveal Mapuche medicine in the context of integral health, coexisting respectfully and collaboratively with other knowledge.
Action Areas
Mapuche Catholic,
Mapuche Cosmovision,
Mapuche Evangelical,
Number of Members
Temuco, Cautin, Chile
Joined URI Network
This group was formed by the association of Machis (healing women) of Temuco and men. Members are all indigenous with different religious practices that coexist with their ancestral spiritual practice. They have experience within the areas of protecting nature and all living beings – in natural life, body, mind and spirit health. They represent a community of people that work for the healing of the body and the spirit, supporting this action with the ritual songs, dances and sacred instruments. They run a Mapuche Ceremonial Center. Among their highlights, the group conducts ancestral medicine seminars, traditional games, and medical rounds. They also work with children, and collaborate with the Medical School of Chile.