Atish Dipankar Society, Bangladesh was founded in 2004 and named after the world famous Srigyan Atish Dipankar, who was born in Bijrojogini, Vikrampur, Dhaka Bangladesh in 882 AD. Atish Dipankar was called the “Eye of Asia”. Members work with people from various faith traditions, especially addressing migration and creating a safe place for victims of religious violence. They also help refugees in their education and integration to the local cultures, and teach them practices to stop environmental degradation. They have organized seminars, cultural tours, tours of religious holy sites for youth, blood donation camps, girls’ empowerment and environmental awareness programs, and conducted tree plantations (planting trees). They publish a newsletter and offer other informative print materials to the masses. They understand that an interfaith approach helps to build trust. They have experienced that, once people of various faith traditions come together to address various social challenges, trust becomes stronger and they can help each other without resistance for a better understanding. Among their most memorable activities is their work with refugees from Burma (Rohingya). They are working together to provide support to the community in every aspect, including education, nutrition, health, and environment. They feel the response from each of them is overwhelming and that people from all over the world share the same emotions and need.