Since B R Memorial Central School teachers and students are mainly from Christian, Hindu and Muslim faiths, the school has, for the last 25 years, promoted respect for diversity and encouraged interfaith programs. Originally the people of this area are peace lovers; but in a changing world, attitudes and behavior are changing. Members believe that any provocation can lead to a crisis situation, so they want to inculcate interfaith culture among students and teachers. Being part of URI was discussed during the school staff meeting and there was a unanimous opinion to start a Cooperation Circle (CC) unit of URI in the school. Group leaders were identified and “Adwaita” (which means oneness) was chosen as the name of the CC. Adwaita BRM CC encourages and guides students to celebrate important national days and major religions’ feasts together, without any barriers of creed, color or culture, building among the students and teachers a sense of unity and love. The school plans to establish an Interfaith Library in the school, conduct awareness campaigns and programs related to environmental protection, water harvesting and promotion of ground water recharging systems, cultural exchange programs, interaction with the famous personalities and to initiate peace building in and around the school.