Bangladesh Cultural Research Center CC

We are building bridges among all religions in our country by practicing interfaith relationships, and by gaining mutual respect by working for the betterment of our community.
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We are raising awareness of the value of culture, tradition and identity while sustaining a self-reliant and peaceful society.
Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Indigenous
Number of Members
Chittagong, Bangladesh
Joined URI Network

Bangladesh Cultural Research Center is called “Sanskriti Gobesona” in Bengali. When they joined URI, the group had been working to promote Indigenous People´s culture for some years. Members are from Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist and Indigenous communities. They conduct different religious and cultural festivals and organize motivational camps because they believe that all cultures in their diversity endorse the message of peace: Unity in Diversity. They trust they can bring peace throughout the world by following this message and allowing members to acquire knowledge through understanding their own cultures and learning about cultures of others. They appreciate the interfaith component of the group and believe this an asset to their work.

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