Blantyre Bangwe Cooperation Circle (CC) is involved in the process of maintaining peace and community reconciliation, promoting equity and gender equality in women's and girls' rights, children's welfare, ensuring that youths are becoming self-reliant and ensuring that nature is respected by replanting trees. Members conduct different activities at the community level, like debates, quizzes and weekly studies, as well as provide civic education to all youths who join. They also contribute items like clothes, money, soap, salt, sugar and other basic needs to the needy. They get together and help the elderly by doing their household chores and praying together with them. Together they have been providing voluntary cleaning services at Bangwe Health Centre, Bangwe CCAP primary school and also some homes of the elderly.
Blantyre Bangwe CC has managed to send a few of their fellow members to vocational training school through the help of our District Officer and Muslim Zaakat fund. It frequently gathers youth to talk about issues that affect them in their daily lives; for example, how poverty affects education, effects of early pregnancies, and how they can live together peacefully in a society despite differences in religious belief or cultural practices.