Choti si Khushi is a community-based, volunteer-driven program to bridge the rising disparity in opportunities for women and children residing in urban slums. Among their key programs they have: Little Lamp: An education initiative for enabling underprivileged children and women, Prayas: an initiative to establish self-help groups among women to improve livelihood opportunities, and Jagriti: an outreach program organizing awareness workshops at schools. This registered organization in Delhi was created in 2014. It has been the recipient of various recognitions, such as the Devatwa Award by Dharmaansh Foundation Trust, for dedicated efforts towards community development. It received a PlusTrust Fellowship in 2015 for raising the quality of life of slum children by means of education, empowerment, counseling and trainings. It has offered over 10,000 hours of community-driven learning, and scholarships for girls, kids, and young men to become martial arts coaches, singers, musicians, artists, dancers, computer operators.