Family Peace to Family Association

Assisting and supporting the family unit to promote peace and development in Ethiopia
"Our purpose: to assist and support the family unit by helping parents realize the impact of family on their children's character; to teach the youth to value the benefits of a good marriage; to build the capacity of married couples to appreciate and respect the institution of marriage; and to build the capacity of the already existing institutions dealing with the issues arising in the family in Ethiopia."
Christianity, Islam, Spirituality
Protestant, Orthodox, Catholic, Spiritualist
Number of Members
Horn & Other
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Joined URI Network

Family Peace to Family Association dreams of understanding and documenting all the various links that the family has with the overall development of a state, and to to be the center of excellence in such efforts. Members have celebrated International Family Day in collaboration with the Interfaith Peace Building Initiative, alongside scholars, government bodies, students and representatives of different associations who also attended the program.

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