Fukushima Response Cooperation Circle

Working to clean up and contain Fukushima radiation
"Our purpose is to raise international awareness of the dangers of the damaged reactors at Fukushima Daiichi, and work toward an effective international response."
Action Areas
Number of Members
Oakland, CA, United States of America
Joined URI Network

Members of this Cooperation Circle (CC) are part of a large network of activists whose goal is to raise international awareness about the dangers of the crippled nuclear plant at Fukushima Daiichi. They are looking for solutions to the enormous danger to all life posed by the ongoing discharge of radioactivity into the air and water, and by the very real possibility of another huge explosion, which could be triggered by another large earthquake or typhoon, or by a mishap during the removal of bent and twisted spent fuel rods from a damaged pool on the roof of fragile building 4,100 feet in the air. They are grateful for the opportunity to organize their efforts, and to disseminate their message to the larger circles that connect with URI.
1) hold prayer days every Friday
2) arranged for Chief Arvol Looking Horse and Paula Horne-Mullen, members of their circle, to speak at the United Nations
3) continue working to have a Resolution introduced into the General Assembly which would internationalize the cleanup at Fukushima
4) conduct an ongoing exhaustive media search, and consult with a number of experts to ascertain the true dangers and evaluate the various options available to remedy the situation, technically, politically and spiritually


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