Fundación FECSA

We want handicapped children to live without discrimination and to participate in all aspects of life.
FEMAS main
We support handicapped children, health and education.
Christianity, Indigenous
Catholic, Evangelical, Jehovah's Witness
Number of Members
Yoloaiquin, El Salvador
Joined URI Network

Fundación Femas (FEMAS Foundation), a registered NGO, was created to serve the community in three areas: education, health and the environment. Members are very committed Evangelicals, Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses who have gathered their strengths to serve humanity and support disabled, needy and deprived people, as well as sharing an interest to work for the safety and protection of the Mother Earth. Members also promote moral and spiritual values in young people. They work with youth so that they become positive actors in the community, especially in caring for the environment. Members of FEMAS are proud of their efforts in helping children and the elderly to read and write.

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