Global Peace Tourism was formed with a vision of promoting love among members and standing in solidarity. This group aims to establish global peace and prosperity by tourism through research, publications, organizing events, festivals, and round table discussions. So far they have done a great job in assembling people of various sectors, not only of diverse religious backgrounds, but also from diverse economic, social, and ethnic backgrounds. Members believe they have made people understand the need for interfaith relationships. They are also associated with Lions Clubs doing some social work like tree planting and distributing clothing among the poor. They have responded in times of natural disasters. They see that interfaith bridge building is urgently needed in the area where they work, and throughout the world, because there are religious groups trying to disturb peace and harmony. They believe they can start work from their little area with a common platform to work together to sustain peace among the people of different religions.
Promoting love and standing in solidarity
"Our purpose is to establish global peace and prosperity by tourism."
Action Areas
Number of Members
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Joined URI Network