Hungarian Interreligious Cooperation Forum

Aware of our own value system, cultural background, beliefs and views and cherishing culture and spirituality of others
To promote the mutual respect and communication among different religions and beliefs so common solutions and actions can happen for our local interfaith and religious issues.
Christianity, Humanism, Spirituality
Ethical Humanist, Orthodox, Eastern, Roman Catholic, Scientology
Number of Members
Budapest, 1138, Hungary
Joined URI Network

In Hungary, the interfaith work among smaller beliefs and religions is low-profile. There are sometimes conflicts, or refusals to communicate with each other, among traditional and smaller religions. There is no real cooperation among smaller religions and beliefs. The membership in churches has been on a strong decline in the last 20 years. The desired outcome of our activities is an increased friendship and cooperation among people from different beliefs, and more respect given to each other. Members of the Forum believe that more people would find their own way of spirituality and gain happiness from this. They are a new group, but members of Hungarian Interreligious Cooperation Forum have already organized a lot of interfaith events, conferences and visits with the aim of promoting interfaith dialogue. As one of their first official activities, they would like to organize a “Nights of Religions” event in Budapest, Hungary. At the moment, members are building bridges between Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Humanist, Scientologist, and Muslim followers, and between people coming from different cultural backgrounds living in Hungary. They plan to reach members from other communities and will organize regular group meetings with the aim of bringing people closer to each other and increasing tolerance and friendship among them.

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