Institute for Applied Spiritual Technology was founded by John Favors in Washington DC, USA in 1988. John Favors is a member of the American Association for INS, National Peace Institute Foundation, the World Future Society, and the Global Forum for Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders. He gained world-wide recognition for his invaluable contribution to solving world conflicts.
The Institute fosters various charitable social and educational courses, available for anyone. The courses include God-centered philosophy, science of relations, behavior ethics, culture of family relations, and human and social pedagogical topics. During its history, over 4,000 people from 22 countries, representing CIS, Europe, and America, have completed their training at the Institute. These graduates continue to spread the spiritual knowledge.
Institute for Applied Spiritual Technology is mitigating aggression and violence in the world, harmonizing relations with oneself, with others, with the world, and with God, and educating people to cooperate with each other for the benefit of the entire world.
It is also raising people's consciousness, improving the quality of their lives, and working for the spiritual education of people, so that they become more tolerant, humble, generous, grateful, and ultimately able to change not only themselves, but also help change the world for the better. To learn more about this URI Cooperation Circle (member group), watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btjqsj6q0EI&feature=youtu.be