Kala Sahithy Nature CC, Vettikavala

Religious harmony and the protection of nature
"Our purpose is to promote interfaith cooperation, religious harmony, the protection of nature, and peace in the world."
Christianity, Hinduism, Islam
Number of Members
South India
Kottarakara, Kollam, Kerala, India
Joined URI Network

Members of this Cooperation Circle (CC) are a group of famous writers and teachers, as well as environmental activists. They have resolved to join URI because they are drawn to its charter. As they are committed environmentalists, they appreciate very much the service of URI for the healing of all the earth. They have members from Hindu, Christian and Muslim backgrounds. Vettikavala is a predominantly Hindu area but there is a large number of Muslims and Christians also. The Hindu temple attracts a large number of devotees daily. Several important government offices are located in this area. This CC also has members who are very active in other social voluntary organizations. They have published several books and pamphlets, especially for the dissemination of knowledge related to the protection of the environment. They want to gain a lot from the experiences of CCs around the world. They want to join the WASH program so as to work for the betterment of nature and the preservation of natural gifts like water. They want to initiate a Save Rivers Campaign towards the realization of this goal. As a CC, they organize seminars, interfaith prayers, peace rallies, environment seminars and environment day celebrations.

Contact Kala Sahithy Nature CC, Vettikavala

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URI Stories of Impact