Living Interfaith Sanctuary

Bringing neighbours together in celebration and worship
The purpose of the Living Interfaith Sanctuary is to provide a welcoming, respectful, and nurturing religious community for people of goodwill from all spiritual paths. We aspire to offer a model of an inclusive community that acts as an agent of good works in the local community and the world.
Number of Members
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Joined URI Network

Living Interfaith Sanctuary envisions their mission unfolding in such a way that they honor and welcome people from all spiritual paths. Members are encouraged and empowered as root themselves in social justice, both in their own community and in the larger world. They seek to support the development of an Interfaith education that truly respects the diversity that is humanity. And they wish to provide an example that other Interfaith congregations might follow without attachment to dogma – always keeping in mind that we are all worthy of respect and that our spiritual diversity is a cause for celebration.

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