NASACURI represents the indigenous beliefs and creates space for inter faith dialogues with different religious section in order to promote peace and unity for co-existence. Members all believe in the supreme being and understand that people go through different channels to communicate to the creator hence there is no need to terminate a life or discrimination.
NASACURI’s work revolves around five pillars described briefly hereafter: -
1) Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage; Recognition of culture as a vital element for human development enhances our national identity, heritages and diverse belief systems. The positive aspects of culture are harnessed to bring social and economic transformation while the negative cultural practices that pervasively harmful to socioeconomic development are mitigated. Cultural beliefs, traditions and values are core for community survival and continuity that enhances social cohesion to sustain an acceptable moral structures as an appreciation of a community identity and a right to belong.
2) Promotion of Nature, Environmental Conservation and Cultural Rights:
In a time of ecological uncertainty with increasing environmental and biodiversity loss,characterized by significant destructive acts of humanity against nature, that portend to be irreversible. The actions of humanity against nature if not altered make our planet a ticking time bomb.
3) Enhanced Involvement of Gender, Youth and Vulnerable Populations in Culture for Sustainable Development:
Women are earth and peace keepers that are universally acknowledged as significant custodians of nature and culture contributing to the paradigm shift to nature sacredness. As we increasingly face times of disruption, challenge and change, women have responded to their calling and yearning to take their position to contribute to the sustainable development to bring the world to balance as mothers.
4) Partnerships, Networking and Resource Mobilization: NASACURI partners with a number of stakeholders for resource mobilization as well as implementation.
5) Institutional Strengthening.
NASACURI has coordinating office located in the Kampala Capital City Authority while the field activities are implemented in the districts of Mityana and Mpigi. The program acknowledges women as significant custodians of biodiversity protection and enhances their self-expression and involvement through the preservation of diverse cultures and indigenous knowledge through activities geared towards environmental conservation, protection and preservation of natural sacred sites for healing and community cohesiveness, crafts making, sustainable agriculture for protections of indigenous seeds targeting both economic empowerment as well as nature conservation. The program focuses mainly women/girls, because of their acknowledged relationship with nature and youth so as to ensure future positive generational change. NASACURI partners with cultural institutions, academia, civil society organizations, religious institutions and the government to accomplish joint activities like awareness campaigns and advocacy trainings, policy influence, research and information sharing for dissemination to a wider population.