ONKAR Academy

Creating opportunities for children and youth to interact with religiously diverse groups on a daily basis
"Our purpose is to promote and sustain world peace through bonding and bridging cultures with music, art and local traditional cultures."
Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism
Number of Members
East India
Kolkata, Weste Bengal, India
Joined URI Network

Onkar Academy Cooperation Circle (CC) members run cultural centers in various places where children and youth are the main area of focus. Attendees manifest their art, drama, and musical talents in youth outreach—many of them now serve a very prominent role in the community. In India, some young adults that are pushed to study engineering and medical sciences become very depressed at a later age. In response, CC members are providing children, as well as young adults, a platform to follow their inner calling to pursue a career in art or music, with a respect of all castes and traditions, if it is their dream.

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