The Planetary Resilience Council is a diverse collective of interspiritual practitioners, dedicated to minimizing harms to Earth and all living beings. At the heart of our work is clarity that healthy ecosystems, including humans, are the very best protection against climate change. The PRC supports environmental, spiritual, social and economic resilience for the global community of living beings, with active focus on local bioregions in or relating to British Columbia.
We uphold the role of engaged global citizens in protecting and restoring the resilience of all life in the BioRegions they know as “home”. Collaborating with elders, teachers, scholars, scientists, and partnering organizations, we facilitate direct access for local residents to community resilience-building, scientific information, Indigenous wisdom, and ethical deliberation, through grassroots BioRegional Resilience Networks.
By facilitating BioRegional networks, the PRC works to strengthen human wisdom and moral reasoning in local public discourse and decision-making. And by connecting local initiatives to one other and to regenerative networks around the world, we seek to support all contributions to global cultural evolution. In every part of its work, the PRC commits to nurturing courage, cultivating goodness, and fostering the moral clarity that human communities require for a “just transition” to ecological ways of living.