Religions for Humanity CC

Building foundations of tolerance and mutual understanding in Moscow
"Our purpose is to spread religious education: the more people know about each other the less animosity there will be."
Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity
Sikh, Orthodox, Armenian, Orthodox
Number of Members
Moscow, Russian Federation
Joined URI Network

Religions for Humanity Cooperation Circle (CC) meets regularly to discuss both information from other CCs and the URI movement as well as urgent present day problems. Recently, members discussed: religious and cultural problems of Gastarbeiters in Moscow religious schools; economic and political reasons of religious extremism; the role of religion in a person's self-identification in Russia; and ritualism in religion. This CC participated in the internet dialogue 'Finding Our Common Humanity' organized by Roger Eaton. Members dream of building a world without violence, based on tolerance and mutual understanding.

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URI Stories of Impact