Rohini CC

Communal harmony, non-violence, and peace
"Our purpose: to promote Gandhian values of communal harmony, non-violence and peace; to fight against untouchability; and to work towards education for girls and women, healthcare, water sanitation, and proper hygiene."
Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism
Number of Members
North India
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Joined URI Network

Members of Rohini Cooperation Circle (CC) educate their community through literature, rallies, workshops, seminars, and by personal visits to areas in need. They dream of a world which embraces Gandhian values of communal harmony, non-violence, and peace. This CC: promotes Gandhian values of communal harmony, non-violence and peace; fights against untouchability; and works towards education for girls and women, healthcare, water sanitation, and proper hygiene.

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URI Stories of Impact

Peace greetings

At least 82 people have died in India, most of them in Sikkim, others in neighboring Bihar and West Bengal. This is a time to pray for the families of those who have lost their love ones.