The Safe Alliance of Interfaith Leaders (SAIL) began as a response to Islamophobic reactions to 9/11. SAIL has focused on building relationships between people of different faiths. Many activities, such as panel discussions, were closed opportunities where people could join to think about common concerns. More recently, SAIL has started to organize more "outward-facing" events to create opportunities to change the narrative about non-Christian religions in public spaces. These events have included marches and a "Family Fun Day," which was an outdoor festival centered on a cornhole tournament that was open for all to participate. The idea was to have a very public, apolitical display of togetherness and fellowship across faiths. Another annual program is the “Interfaith Thanks and Giving Ceremony” around Thanksgiving. We have had it both at churches and community centers. Music, readings, and words of wisdom from faith traditions about giving thanks are shared. Members use the opportunity to collect donations for the local food pantry. We plan to have an Interfaith March for Peace and Justice that will begin simultaneously from coast to coast in the future with the purpose of affirming religious liberty for all people and equal justice for all people regardless of their race, religion or place of origin. It is non-partisan. It is a positive affirmation of positive principles that a lot of people can/should get behind.